Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Exceptions falling with 772 to DW401 migration.

Our #2 show stopper for going live with DW4.0.1 is showing to be a major problem. Identified and confirmed by us and DW development, all exceptions will fall off if a site migrates from 7.7.2 to DW4.0.1.

The dap_exc_buffer is database field that holds the course info that the exceptions is using. In 7.7.2 it looks like this:
After the database conversion step in the upgrade the field and data stays the same. But when you run a new audit, the auditor will read it starting two bytes off. It's now looking for, "OG 13" as the discipline and "0" as the number. I confirmed this by entering a exception in the new DW4.0.1 account exactly like the previous one and queried the database table and compared:
Very different from before. A possible COBOL to C conversion problem.

As of right now, we haven't received a solution or a way to proceed. Here's my guess solutions: 1)Change the database entry for ALL the 772 to read old entries. 2) Release a hot fix to go back to the way the buffer is made. 3) Write code to have the two different layouts be valid.

I'll let you know if I get the fix before you do.

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